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The ACHPER NSW annual K-12 PDHPE Conference is a chance to come together to learn, share and network.

The Conference will showcase the latest innovative pedagogies, strategies, research and evidence informing PDHPE. Expert presenters will translate evidence into practical ideas you can implement in the classroom the next day. 

Date: Mon 25 and Tues 26 November 2024
Venue: Western Sydney University, Parramatta South campus
Join us – sponsor and exhibitor packages

One day: $410
Two day: $535 early bird *; $599 standard
ACHPER NSW member discount price

One day: $328
Two day: $428 early bird*; $479 standard

*Early bird ends 30 August 2024

Below is an outline of the 2024 conference program. More detailed workshop descriptions and presenters will be added shortly. You will be asked to select workshop preferences when purchasing your ticket.

2024 Conference program


Day 1

8.00-8.30am - Registration, Auditorium foyer (Building EE)

8:30-9.45am - Conference opening and welcome, Auditorium

8:45-9:45am - Day 1 Keynote presentation, Auditorium

What are the uses of artificial intelligence (AI) in education, both now and in the future? This includes, but extends beyond, generative AI.  Erica will explore the ethical and policy issues surrounding integration of the technology in schools including how these intersect with the digital rights of students and teachers. She will outline suggested directions for research, policy, and practice.

Erica Southgate, Associate Professor of Emerging Technologies for Education, University of Newcastle
Erica is a teacher educator and maker of computer games for literacy. She is an expert on AI ethics for education and lead researcher on the VR School Study, the longest-running research on embedding VR into school classrooms across subject areas. Erica is a lead author on the Australian Government commissioned report, ‘Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies (AR, MR and VR) in Schools’ and author of ‘Virtual Reality in Curriculum and Pedagogy: Evidence from Secondary Classrooms’ (Routledge). 

Erica is seeking teachers to participate in her Australian Research Council Project Equipping Australian teachers today to face AI tomorrow. If you are interested please contact her at erica.southgate@newcastle.edu.au

9:50-11:00am - Workshop session 1 (select 1 option)

A practical session to learn how to create engaging AFL experiences for all of your students. Explore AFL skill acquisition and application in modified games using AFL curriculum-aligned resources, along with differentiation using the CHANGE IT approach.  Build your confidence in using equipment and explore the many ways to engage with AFL.

11:00-11:25am - Morning tea

11:30am-12:40pm - Workshop session 2 (select 1 option)

12:40-1:20pm - Lunch

1:20-2:30pm - Workshop session 3 (select 1 option)

2:35-3.45pm- Workshop session 4 (select 1 option)

3:45-4:30pm – Networking, Auditorium foyer (Building EE)


Day 2


8:30-9.00am - Registration, Auditorium foyer (Building EE)

9:00-9:55am – Day 2 Keynote presentation, Auditorium

In the bustling day-to-day work of teachers, where every lesson counts towards shaping young minds, hearts, and bodies, PE is often viewed simplistically as the curriculum of physical activity, games, and sports. But is it merely about health, or does PE have a deeper impact on students’ holistic development?

Dr Dean Dudley and colleagues recently conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis (Dudley et al., 2022) delving into this question, uncovering intriguing insights that could reshape how we view and implement PE in schools.

The study which spanned 135 research endeavours from over 20 countries and included more than 42,500 students, aimed to evaluate the effects of various PE lessons and interventions on students: psychomotor, cognitive, affective, and social development. What it found was paradigm shifting: PE interventions wielded significant influence across all four domains. Beyond just being a platform for physical activity, PE emerged as an incredibly powerful mechanism for enhancing multifaceted learning and development.

Dr Dean Dudley, Associate Professor (Health and Physical Education), Macquarie School of Education, Macquarie University
Dean is internationally recognised for his work in physical education, learning assessment, pedagogy, and physical literacy. He was a 2012 Churchill Fellow and an expert consultant for UNESCO’s Quality Physical Education Guidelines for Policy Makers (2015). He was appointed as an advisor to the Australian Sports Commission National Sport Research Agenda in 2022, and Physical Education Specialist to the Oceanic National Olympic Committee (Education Commission) in 2023.

10:00-11:10am - Workshop session 5 (select 1 option)

11:15-11:45am - Morning tea

11:50am-1:00pm - Workshop session 6 (select 1 option)

An introduction to the new AFL Game Sense program for primary school lessons. Unpack the resources to support the program, along with the connection to community opportunities. Explore formative and summative assessment opportunities.

1:00-1:45pm - Lunch

1:50-3:00pm - Workshop session 7 (select 1 option)

3:00-3:30pm - Conference plenary, prize draws and evaluation, Auditorium (Building EE)

2023 Conference highlights

Attending the K-12 Annual Conference on both days  will contribute 10 hours (5 hours per day)of elective PD in the priority area of Delivery and Assessment of NSW Curriculum addressing standard descriptors 2.1.2, 2.3.2, 6.2.2 and 6.3.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW. 

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