Looking for HSC classroom revision ideas? Try our CAFS HSC bundles. Each includes:

  • 5 x Revision webinars to use with students
    – Each covers different core and options detailed below.
    – Each is approx. 1 hour, including viewing time and associated activities
  • 1 x Student booklet to use with webinars. Includes revision and take-home activities to consolidate learning 
  • 1 x Exam technique webinar covering:
    – Exam structure and preparation
    – Multiple choice and short answers
    – Breaking down questions and writing a response

2020 CAFS revision bundle

$50 non-members
$40 members

– Exam technique webinar
– Student booklet
– 5 x Revision webinars covering:

1. Parenting and caring – factors affecting the role of parents and carers.
– influences on parents and carers
– personal

2. Groups in context – satisfaction of needs
– specific needs of each group

3. Research methodology – research methods
– questionnaires
– interviews
– case studies
– observations
– literature reviews

4. Social Impact of Technology – issues related to technological development
– reasons for the development of the technology
– factors affecting access to and acceptance of the technology
– impact on lifestyle and wellbeing of the technology

5. Individuals and Work – structures that support individuals in the workplace
– workplace structures

2019 CAFS revision bundle

$50 non-member
$40 members

– Exam technique webinar
– Student booklet
– 5 x Revision webinars covering:

1. Groups in Context – creating positive social environments
– addressing the groups’ issues of concern
– positive influences on community attitudes

2. Parenting and caring – Carers
– primary
– informal and formal

3. Social Impact of Technology – technologies and the family
– household technology
– information and communication technology
– entertainment technology

4. Individuals and work – Workplace structure
– Legislation, eg health and safety, equal employment opportunity

5. Research methodology – Research fundamentals
– sampling
– sources of data
– reliability and validity.

2018 CAFS revision bundle

$35 non-members
$25 members

– Exam technique webinar
– Student booklet
– 5 x Revision webinars covering:

1. Groups in Context – Youth
– Access to services

2. Parenting and Caring – Social Parents
– Surrogacy
– Stepparent
– Foster parents
– Adoptive parents

3. Individuals and Work
– Rights and responsibilities of employee and employers

4. Social Impact of Technology
– Impact of emerging technologies
– Research Methodology – Ethical Behaviour
– Assess the importance of ethical behaviour when conducting research

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