Draft Child Studies syllabus

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August 2024

NESA has released a draft of the new Child Studies syllabus. The Have Your Say consultation period is now open. Teachers are encouraged to feedback direct to NESA before 9 September 2024.

Key dates:

  • 12 August: Draft syllabuses released – consultation open
  • 9 September: NESA Have Your Say consultation closes.

ACHPER NSW will prepare a written submission to the NESA consultation, based on input from our staff and stakeholders. We also met with NESA directly as part of the Curriculum Reform Focus Group process.

We strongly encourage teachers also to make individual submissions to NESA. The ACHPER NSW submission only counts as “one” submission, even if it reflects the collective views of our members and teachers.

All feedback received will be considered by NESA in developing the final syllabus due for release in 2025, for implementation 2028. Go to NESA consultation.

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