Janice Atkin - Professional Learning Officer, ACHPER NSW

Why we need to teach kids to balance screen-time and green-time – Part 2

// Mind-wandering mode Time unplugged and in nature allows our students’ brains to enter what neuroscientists call ‘mind wandering mode’ which is also considered the ‘default mode’ of thinking. When our students are outdoors, they’re away from their screens (hopefully) and therefore they’re not processing the multitude of sensory input that screens offer (sounds, animations, […]

Why we need to teach kids to balance screen-time and green-time – Part 2 Read More »

Why we must teach kids to balance their screen-time and green-time by Dr Kristy Goodwin

Our kids are experiencing digitalised childhoods. Their plugged-in childhoods are impacting their health, development and even the ways that they want and expect to learn. Technology is changing so many things about childhood and adolescence. For example, we now know that today’s kids are leading more sedentary lives and one of the reasons (it’s certainly

Why we must teach kids to balance their screen-time and green-time by Dr Kristy Goodwin Read More »

How SAAFE are your PE lessons?

Although the health benefits of participating in regular physical activity are extensive, the majority of young Australians are not sufficiently active. The pandemic of ‘physical inactivity’ is not only influencing our health, but also our hip pocket, with global estimates suggesting in excess of US$50 billion is being spent on health care related to inactivity.

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Improving performance in PDHPE and CAFS

Improving performance in both PDHPE and CAFS (and any other subject area) involves adopting a variety of different strategies to support and grow student learning. These strategies can be based around learning activities, groupings, types of assessment tasks, exam techniques or even feedback provided to students. Student feedback has been recognised as one of the

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For students to flourish we must cherish teachers

“All young people are loved and safe, have material basics, are healthy, are learning and participating and have a positive sense of identity and culture.” This is the vision for the NEST action agenda – a national plan for child and youth wellbeing – for all Australia’s children. The Student Wellbeing Action Network (SWAN) was

For students to flourish we must cherish teachers Read More »

Health on Facebook: Engaging critical minds

Social networking sites such as Facebook have become a popular way for people to source health information, specifically relating to diet and exercise. However many adolescents are unable to differentiate between the credibility and accuracy of the health advice offered. The results of a study by Stephanie Jong of Flinders University draws on two of

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Quality health and physical education: why we need it in Australia?

Quality health and physical education: why we need it in Australia? UNESCO recently released their report “Quality Physical Education: Guidelines for policy makers”. This global report provides a robust, evidence based framework and guidelines for the development and delivery of quality physical education programs to all children and young people. Given Australia is moving from

Quality health and physical education: why we need it in Australia? Read More »

The Importance of the Health and Physical Education learning area in schools

This Position Statement has been developed in ACHPER’s role as the leading professional association for the purpose of contributing to discourse on the importance of the Health and Physical Education learning area in schools. It is part of ACHPER’s responsibility to present its position for the benefit of members as well as for productive, ongoing

The Importance of the Health and Physical Education learning area in schools Read More »

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