14 February 2023
- ACHPER NSW has drafted a new constitution
- Member feedback is now invited
- Consultation closes 23 February 2023
Following a minor constitution review last year, the ACHPER NSW Board agreed it is in our organisation and members’ best interest to conduct a detailed review and develop a new constitution.
The new constitution will meet all legislative requirements, fit with our vision and embrace good governance principles.
ACHPER NSW has engaged consultancy Associations Forum and its affiliated law firm Governology to assist.
Member feedback invited
The proposed new constitution is now available.
Members are invited to provide feedback by 5pm 23 February 2023.
Consultation with our members will allow confidence and transparency in the process. It will also help the Board in their discussions regarding the changes to the constitution.
Please send feedback, comments or questions to:
Tracy Puckeridge CEO ACHPER NSW