ACHPER NSW conducted their inaugural Community Survey in October 2020 with a total of 120 respondents completing the survey. The following report provides a summary of key demographic data and responses that have been used to construct audience segments and their related professional learning needs and preferences.
Who responded?
Which sector?
What stage / subjects and roles?
Accreditation profiles
The majority of primary respondents were accredited as Proficient (57 responses) with 1 accredited at Lead and 1 at Highly accomplished and 3 graduates. Of the 57 respondents accredited at proficient, 20 indicated they maybe planning to work towards a higher level and 12 indicated they definitely were planning to work towards a higher level.
The majority of secondary respondents were accredited as Proficient (57 responses) with 1 accredited at Lead and 1 at Highly accomplished and 2 graduates. Of the 57 respondents accredited at proficient, 23 indicated they maybe planning to work towards a higher level and 14 indicated they definitely were planning to work towards a higher level.
ACHPER NSW should expand professional learning and support for teachers of PDHPE and sport across K-10.
ACHPER NSW should continue to focus on providing professional learning that is targeting teachers working at proficient.
ACHPER NSW should explore revising workshops to target those teachers interested in working towards Highly Accomplished or Lead teacher accreditation.
Future professional learning needs
Plans for 2021 and beyond
The ACHPER NSW Board will be meeting over the next month to plan our next steps forward for the upcoming 3 years. The feedback received from our community will inform these future directions and will drive some more exciting new initiatives that will be announced in coming months.