NESA has released the new K-6 PDHPE syllabus, due for implementation in schools by 2027. ACHPER NSW is here to support you with the implementation.
On this page:
Check back for updates – we’ll regularly add information and resources to this page.
Professional learning events
ACHPER NSW has a comprehensive professional learning (PL) program planned to support you with the new syllabus. Our focus is to translate the new syllabus into teacher-friendly sample program frameworks you can personalise to your student cohort needs. All our PL is co-designed by ACHPER NSW staff together with experienced and practising PDHPE teachers. Our planned PL will commence in 2025 and includes:
Leading K-6 PDHPE programming workshop
A one-day workshop for those leading planning. Unpack the syllabus and start creating a scope and sequence, unit frameworks and assessment schedules with our templates and resources.
Ideal for: Head teachers and coordinators
Available: from Term 1 2025
Designing K-6 PDHPE unit frameworks workshop
A practical one-day workshop unpacking the course. Explore the latest evidence base to inform your planning and start creating units of work with our new programming resources.
Ideal for: all teachers
Available: from Term 2 2025
Assessing K-6 PDHPE workshop
Start designing your school assessment program. Explore key planning considerations including NESA’s school-based assessment requirements, designing effective assessment tasks and practical ideas for formative assessment processes for health and movement outcomes.
Ideal for: all teachers
Available: from Term 2 2025
After-school webinars and virtual co-design labs
These sessions unpack specific areas of the syllabus with experts.
Ideal for: all teachers
Available: later in 2025
Including scope and sequence, units of work, assessment plans, learning sequences for new content, and resource lists.
Available: later in 2025
Familiarisation webinar:
New K-6 and 7-10 PDHPE syllabus
Janice Atkin from ACHPER NSW takes a high-level look at the course structure and requirements in this one hour webinar. 75 minutes; August 2024
Resources and links
We’ll add resources, blogs, and other material here over time.
Useful links:
- NESA – K-6 PDHPE syllabus
- NESA – K-6 PDHPE syllabus teaching and learning support resources
- Department of Education – K-6 PDHPE syllabus: information for school leaders