8 ideas for depth study topics

Teacher and Students

August 2024

Depth studies is a new feature of the HMS syllabus, allowing students to develop, consolidate or apply a depth of understanding of health and movement concepts.

Below are 8 ideas we’re playing with for Year 12 depth study topics.

We’ll be exploring these and more at our upcoming session:

  • HMS Extension webinar: Depth Studies, 10 September, 3.45-5.15pm. Register
    • Explore practical ideas for implementing depth studies effectively with your Year 11 and Year 12 classes
    • Includes sample learning sequences that unpack the process.

Here are our Year 12 depth study topic ideas:

Idea #1
How can Australia’s healthcare system balance patient privacy with the benefits of widespread data sharing and technological integration?

  • Students would need to consider ethical implications, potential risks, and the trade-offs between enhanced patient care and privacy concerns.

Idea #2
Why are the long-term societal and economic impacts of integrating advanced technologies, such as AI and telemedicine, into Australia’s healthcare system significant for future planning?

  • This requires students to think about future implications, including changes in workforce dynamics, accessibility, and healthcare costs.

Idea #3
How can digital health initiatives be designed to address health disparities among different populations in Australia?

  • Students need to explore how technology can be used to bridge gaps in healthcare access and outcomes among diverse demographic groups.

Idea #4
How can barriers to the adoption of new healthcare technologies by both patients and healthcare providers in Australia be effectively overcome?

  • This question challenges students to identify and propose solutions for resistance to change, including technological, cultural, and financial barriers.

Idea #5
How can personalised nutrition plans be designed to optimise performance and recovery for athletes with diverse dietary restrictions and preferences?

  • Students would need to consider individual differences, cultural factors, and the balance between general nutritional guidelines and personalized needs.

Idea #6
Why is it important to understand the long-term effects of relying on dietary supplements for enhanced athletic performance, and how do these effects compare to natural dietary adjustments?

  • This question challenges students to weigh the benefits and potential risks of supplements versus whole foods, considering health implications and performance outcomes.

Idea #7
How can technology be leveraged to create effective and sustainable nutritional strategies that motivate individuals to maintain a healthy diet tailored to their physical activity levels?

  • Students would need to explore the role of apps, wearables, and other digital tools in tracking nutrition and encouraging healthy eating habits.

Idea #8
How can a comprehensive approach to reducing fatigue and preventing injury through nutrition, hydration, and sleep be developed for different types of athletes?

  • This requires students to integrate knowledge of various physical demands, recovery processes, and the interplay between diet, hydration, and rest. ​
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